Naming and Color Schemes

The idea of ACS3 being a platform or a framework for developing rigs means that it cannot be a fixed setup but rather an open and flexible environment. Two features demonstrate this well: Naming Schemes and Colour Schemes. In fact these are one of earliest features that I prototyped and implemented and it was for this exact reason - to see how it feels when names or colours for entire rig can be changed at an instant.

If you do a lot of rigging you probably know that naming items or modifiers is large part of the job - just watch Rich Hurrey’s Rigging Master Course :). And every TD or rigger has own favourite naming convention. In ACS3 full item names are generated automatically based on a naming scheme. Naming schemes can be defined via python script and registered with the system. This means that in ACS3 you can either use one of predefined naming conventions or define your own. You can then change the convention at any time and all rig names will be regenerated on the fly.

The same applies to colour schemes. Rather then setting colours for various rig items directly you pick a colour from a scheme. Custom colour schemes can also be implemented via python and registered with the system. After that the scheme can be changed at any time and the new palette will be applied to rig immediately.


Lukasz Pazera