• What is the difference between ACS3 Personal and Studio license?
    Personal license is for individuals or one-person companies. Personal license has to be purchased by an individual and can only be used by the same individual who purchased the software. Studio license is for companies which want to provide ACS3 to their employees, any person authorized by a company can use Studio license. Both ACS3 Personal and ACS3 Studio licenses allow for commercial use and the software itself is functionally the same.

  • Can I upgrade previous ACS version to ACS3?
    No, not anymore. The upgrade was possible when the only license offered was ACS3 Studio.

  • Is there a Japanese ACS3 version?

    Yes, there is. Please contact MODO JAPAN GROUP for details on purchasing ACS3 Beta Japanese Edition.

  • Is ACS2 still available for purchase?
    Yes, you can still purchase ACS2. Please, visit ACS2 website to make a purchase. However, note that you cannot upgrade ACS2 to ACS3 and each ACS3 license includes one ACS2 license as well.

  • Do I have to uninstall ACS2 in order to use ACS3?
    No. ACS3 is entirely new product and does not conflict with previous versions. You will be able to have both ACS1/2 and ACS3 installed on the same machine and use appropriate version for your assets.

  • Will I be able to rig quadruped characters with ACS3?
    Yes. ACS3 is an open system, you will be able to both assemble your own rigs from pre made assets (modules) or use entire pre-made rigs such as biped and quadruped ones.

  • Which MODO version will be required to install ACS3?
    ACS3 requires MODO 14.2v1. MODO 15.1v2 is recommended for using rig clay interface in tool mode and MODO 15.2v1 is recommended for using rig clay interface in gesture mode (gesture mode is an experimental feature).

  • What are license terms for ACS3?
    ACS3 license has to be activated online. You may run your license on two (2) workstations simultaneously. Licenses can be transferred between machines via the online service without timeouts or delays but all registration and transfers require internet connection. Random online checks will occur but as long as you have an active license you can use Auto Character System 3 offline for up to 30 days. See ACS3 Personal EULA and ACS3 Studio EULA for all license terms.

  • How can I make sure that ACS3 licensing will work from my location?
    You can test connection to license server by following this link.

  • Does ACS3 have all the features of ACS2?
    ACS3 has most of ACS2 features. No support for Joint Influences (corrective morphs) is the biggest difference. Lack of full feature parity is the reason why each ACS3 purchase includes one ACS2 license. This way you can still use missing features with ACS2 if you need them.

  • Will I be able to use my ACS2 rigs and animations with ACS3?
    Unfortunately not. ACS3 is entirely new software and as such will not be backwards compatible with previous versions. There might be tools allowing for importing poses and actions from ACS2 but it is not planned for the initial release.

  • Who is developing ACS3?
    ACS3 is being designed and developed in Poland by Lukasz Pazera - visual artist, programmer, PhD in Fine Arts and a long time MODO user (since MODO 101 Alpha days).